How it Works
The Typical Client
If you are coming to us to become a client, we will send you an extensive questionnaire so that we know you well when you first come to us. In addition, we would be helped by your bringing in any prior records and lab results so that we know how your body is functioning right now.
- First Visit: We schedule you for a full hour of getting to know each other and going over the benefits of what we believe we can offer you.
- Make a list of topics to address and work on. Do you want Bio-identical Hormones right away?
- Review your current history and physical
- Start with your priorities with what you need to be done first
- Schedule testing and initial laboratory evaluations of your hormones
- We may be able to start some interventions the first visit
- Visit Number Two - About a Month Later
- With your first results back, we'll get you started
- Show you how to take your hormones, lose weight, figure out mold
- Go over the right supplements and why you need what we recommend
- Review your current nutritional status
- Recommend other testing to look for signs of future disease risk
- Get you started and into full swing with your initial program
- Visit Number Three: Another interval (1-6 months) goes by. You should be feeling better. This might be just a half an hour
- Repeat measuring to see what our first intervention did
- Review of any testing we did the last time
- Chart your course of nutrition, exercise, mind-body, supplements, hormones and detoxification
Review: This is Our Program
- Carefully supervised optimization of your biological processes including bioidentical hormones, oxidative stress, weight loss, gut function, toxin excretion and monitoring, nutrition, exercise and mental stress reduction
- Regular review of and management of your medication and supplement doses
- Access to our weekly email newsletter
- A path of investigation to help fully sort out all your issues
Clear recommendations on how to reverse the damaging processes that have brought you to the trouble you are currently in.
Costs To You: Insurance companies currently pay for disease management and most do not cover anti-aging strategies. (We think they have it backward.) Keeping you well means our incentives are aligned with yours. We will provide you with a bill you may submit to your insurance carrier. Many tests will be paid by your insurance provider. Prescription medications are also often covered. Supplements, even if very helpful, often are not.
Our physician fees, however, require payment in cash (or credit cards or check) at the time of service for services rendered.
As of August 10, 2022 -
Our fees are; $ 450 for the first-hour appointment. Please note that we will ask for a $ 150 downpayment to reserve a first-hour appointment.
$ 255 for subsequent half-hour follow-up visits (starting August 10th, 2022).
$ 160 for 15-minute appointment.
$ 475. for subsequent full hour visits
$ 380 for subsequent 45 minutes
Most folks are pretty well-tuned up after 2-3 visits. Including testing, the majority of people will spend less than they do now for the treatment of disease, and end up well. Insurance will pay for many tests and prescriptions. We'll help you sort that out. After the first year, most sickness visits are much reduced.
Cancellation policy: Please be aware that we cannot fill empty slots when cancellations occur with short notice. It is our new policy that customers will be charged for missing appointments.